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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Whole Grains

What does it mean to be whole grain?
Well wheat is an example of a grain and consists of 3 parts: the bran, the germ, and the endosperm.
During the milling process of white flour, 2 parts of the wheat are removed: the bran and the endosperm, to make the texture smoother and more consistent throughout. This leaves just the endosperm which is the starchiest component. The removal of these 2 parts of the grain removes 30 nutrients!!!

In whole wheat flour all three parts of the wheat are left alone and therefore all of the nutrients are left alone. This is why whole wheat flour has a different consistency because the bran and the germ are still present.

With that said, whole wheat flour, pasta, brown rice all have WHOLE grain and nutritionally are better for you because they contain important essential nutrients that regular white flour does not.

Specifically whole grains are loaded with fiber which is essential for colon and digestive health. Your digestive tract plays a bigger role in your immunity and keeping you healthy then you may think, so think again when deciding whether to eat white bread or 100% whole wheat bread, because that fiber is keeping you well!

The recommended amount of grains for the average American is 6 oz of grain servings per day. It is recommended that at least half of them (3+) should be from whole grains!

Here are some great sources of whole grain:
  • 100% whole wheat (this includes all forms of bread that contain 100% whole wheat)
  • brown rice
  • oatmeal
  • bulger
  • corn
  • buckwheat
  • spelt
  • and wild rice
Be sure to read all nutrition labels and look for key words such as 100% whole wheat, or the amount of whole grain in each serving!


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